Monday, 10 February 2014

15 year old laptop

Trying to keep up with the modern internet on a fifteen year old laptop that has a dodgy keyboard has proved frustrating. However, as with all adversary, I have looked for the potential and most importantly, the FUN.

FUN is hugely important. There was the time I was trapped under a bookcase after a ceiling collapse, well, I pretended I was a mountaineering librarian, trying to scale the north face of K-2. Or the time I set fire to a flat in Berlin, I just pretended I was terrified and afraid, having beat the flames down whilst naked.

In this case, the keyboard sticks on the space bar, so I often create new words. Like a cyberspace Shakespeare, the dodgy keyboard makes me tackle language anew (see?) ~

Favourite new words are: 'handin' : a task worth doing, 'belate' : to make something arrive early, 'anour' : a couple's love life, 'sinthus' : a really bad cold, "Millmew" : a cat's craving, and my favourite, 'forus' : two people working towards a common goal.

Now I don't mind at all the HEAVY EDITING OF ANYTHING I TYPE, as the text is slowly revealed over five minutes.


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