Sunday, 20 October 2013

Winter ~ a nonet

In this, my hour of broken sleep,
Empty silence in a cold room,
Moonbeam sheen white blade across
This bed I lay upon ~
Such peace of heart I
Find in this time,
To think of
You and

Millie and the Moon

Woke up from dreams of being photocopied and having to deal with several hundred paper versions of myself jostling for attention, to find Millie staring at the moon. Quite beautiful. A kitten, new to the world, staring in fascination at something I could never possibly make her understand, myself too in awe of the morning moonfall...existing in that moment, a human and a cat, no language to link us, yet both animals on the Earth, dumbfounded by the beauty of our ancient companion; on a journey through time and space ~ Until I realised that she was infact stalking a spider on the ceiling.