Friday, 22 April 2016

Milton Keynes, face value....

Come bombs,
Fall on Milton Keynes,
We've had enough of spending schemes,
Of Bar Ones, iPhone shops and Maccy Ds,
A place rife with a consumer's disease,

Come nukes,

Tear it to shreds
Break the concrete spires from their beds,
Shatter the glass fronted automatic doors,
Splinter apart the eyebrow weaving stalls.
This piped music, make it stop,
Unplug the band locked in a box,
Locked in a room, locked in a trance,
Playing free will's funereal dance,
Come missiles,
Target the shops,
Make the produce burn in rented slots,
Destroy the vapid altar's capitalist call,
'Two for one' on your very soul,
Set it ablaze, burn it into the night,
So all can see how again we might
Reclaim this plot for decent folk,
Out from under the pound's yoke.
(My hands are bloodied from pounding
On grey walls,
Did you notice Milton Keynes?)